Monday, August 4, 2008

Time for an Update

Where do I start. It has been a while and alot has been going on. I will start where I left off I guess. On July 21 our good friends Robert and Steph got to welcome there second son Ashton into the world and he is so cute. We are so happy for them.
Then the next day Cooper and I had our last class of yoga. Yoga was fun but our teacher has been on vaca for the last 3 weeks and the fill in just does not work me hard enough. When I leave there I want to hurt the next day. I am not into the type of yoga that is mostly meditation, I like to stretch and hold the hard poses. So I decided that Cooper and I would drop doing that. I think he will be ok with that since it feel right at his nap time. So we are going to keep doing playwisely class on Thursdays. Cooper really likes going and learns so much. Then when we get home he takes a looooong nap for me because his little brain has just learned alot.
So along with classes and work that was my week that week. Then Coop's Nana and Papa came in that following weekend and got to play with Cooper and they loved it and he was spoiled.
So Trey and I took advantage of the free babysitters and went out on a date that Friday night. We got to go see a movie and dinner. We have not been to the movies since before Coop entered the worlk.
So as for this past week lets see. Well I worked some more. Dont you just think that work is so overrated. The big thing this week is that my sister Alicia and her husband Randy finally bought a house and closed on Thursday. We are so happy for them. For those that dont know they have been looking for a long long time. They would find a house and then there would already be tons of offers on it. They have been living in an extended stay hotel for i think almost 2 months. So this was a real blessing. So Thursday night after they were officialy home owners we took Coop over to go swimming.
Then this weekend Coop's aunt Emilie came up to spend time with him before she starts back to work. It was good seeing her and she helped Trey out while I worked a day shift.

So some new things Cooper is doing. Lets see. He has discovered his feet and loves to play with them and stick them in his mouth at times. it is the cutest thing to watch. He is still just a talking and talking. He has so much to say. He is just like his daddy. We had started rice cereal a couple of weeks ago and then Cooper got really bad constipation. So we stopped for a while and then decided to start back up again put to add a little bit of apple prune juice to his cereal with the milk and things seem to be working good now. He loves eating like a big boy. He wants to hold the bowl and then help with the spoon.

Ok this post is getting long.
These are pics from Cooper's first day in the nursery at church. This was hard for me to do but I did it. It helped that a lady from our Sunday School class was in there that day. Thanks Jennifer for loving on Cooper for me.

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