Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Grandparents and Great Grandparents

Lets start with some really good news. The house is officially no longer ours. We closed on the house last Tuesday and the buyers signed the papers on Thursday so it is all over YEAH!!! No more having to show the house I am sooo excited about that. We are going to stay in the next house until we die. I dont want to do that again. Our new house is still going good. We walked thru it last week with the builder to look over the framing and the wiring. So know they are going thru some inspections and then once those are done they will brick and sheetrock.

We went to Georgetown this past weekend for a long weekend to see Treys parents. We left Wednesday evening and then came back Sunday. We had a good time. Lets see Thursday we just hung out at the house. Coopers great grandma Sobotik was there and two of his great aunts so that was fun to watch them with Cooper. Then came some excitment. Thursday night we all went to bed and then at 2am Cooper woke up and so I asked Trey to get up and hand Cooper to me. So Trey gets up and grabs Cooper and as he was walking around the bed Trey hits his toe. He hands Cooper to me and then yells from the pain of the toe. He gets over that and then goes to the bathroom. Well while he was in there and I am feeding Cooper all of the sudden Trey falls to the floor like a tree falling. So I throw Cooper off of me onto the bed and run over to Trey to find him unresponsive. He was moaning and had all extremities extended and tight. So I ran out into the family room. (Treys parents house our bedroom is on one side and theirs is on the other) I screamed at the top of my lungs for them to come and then ran back into the room where Trey was. His aunt had heard me scream and went and got his parents and they called 911. Then Trey came to but could not tell me who I was for a little bit and then everything came to him. It was almost like he had had a small seizure. I know yall are thinking what is with them and seizures. :) So EMTs got there and took him to the ER. I was worried about his head and neck because of the way he fell. So after his stay everything checked out ok. They did not think it was a seizure they said a vagal response to him hitting his toe. The only thing was that Treys Ribs were hurting him very badly. They think that he broke one or some.
I just want my healthy husband back. He has just been hurt and had something going on with him for a year now. All starting with the car accident a year ago.

So back to some good stuff. We got to take Cooper out on Nana and Papa's boat on Saturday and he had fun and so did we. Then we took him swimming and he loved that. He has discovered that splashing is fun. Even if he gets himself wet and me. Then Sunday we stopped in Midlothian and ate dinner.
Now we are back and time to start a work week.

Cooper sitting in his high chair eating his oatmeal

The family at my cousins wedding

Ma and Cooper having a moment

He loves playing with Muma

Co Captain of Papas
Nana and Papa on the boat

Great Grandma Sobotik oh she just loves to rock him
Papa was letting Cooper try some of his popsicle


This Sarah said...

oh my goodness Wanissa! what an event! Tell Trey i hope he gets better... I hope they checked his head really good!

Emilie said...

you need to post the swimming video...i want to see him splash and swim again :)

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness. We are praying for you guys. Glad Trey is okay and had a good weekend after all. We missed you guys at church but so glad you got be with your family too.

Anonymous said...

How scary!! You guys need to quit it with the emergency issues!! I feel so bad for Trey...he must have really hit his toe hard! That is just crazy. I am so glad he is ok and you were able to still have a good weekend.

And YAY for the house closing. I know that is a huge relief.

This Sarah said...

hey i noticed the new big intro pic of Baby Cooper! now i can see all his muscles! he's still the cutest!oh and i wanna see the swimming video too!