Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Place

We are officially living with my sister now. I feel like I have fallen off the face of the earth this past weekend and this week. My life has been nothing but moving and cleaning. I am so very tired. Sorry to everyone that has tried to contact me and I have not called them back I just really have not had time. I get up early in the morning and head to the house and stay there all day doing things to get out of there and then I come home late in the evening and get Cooper ready for bed and then myself in bed. I guess that Cooper is not taking to this change in our life very well right now. His whole routine has been nonexistent and now he is sleeping in a room that is not his own. So like last night he was up every 30 minutes. I hope he will adjust soon.

We got news yesterday that we close in the new house Nov 14th. So we have an official date. Then we get to move all this stuff again.
That is all that I have for now. Cooper and I are about to head to the house to meet the carpet cleaning people. Hope everyone has a great day.


Anonymous said...

You poor thing! Just think about why you did this in the first place...and the fact that you are gonna be in the new house for a long, long time.

We miss you and love you. Please let me know if I can help you. I am happy to do it.

I start my new job tomorrow, BTW! Yay!! Talk to you soon!

Jenn said...

Oh my, I got tired just reading your post!! I pray things will go well with your closing and that you will get moved and settled quickly! I'll also be praying for Cooper....poor little guy! (and poor mom!)...

This Sarah said...

awe.. Hims sad little boy... He'll be fine.. just ware him out.. i mean make him tired.. not ware him out like spank him.. don't have to spank him.. just make him tired.. haha..

Melissa said...

Hey Friend, we sure are missing you guys at Reflections and in church, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you in your move. I would love to keep little Cooper. :)