Wednesday, June 3, 2009


WE FINISHED!!!! Our project is complete. Trey and I started our weekend project on Friday night and finished Monday night. Not to bad for us. We got his media room all done. Now for those that know me well I do not know how this happened. How is it that that room got completed before any other room in the house. I always said that that room would be the last room done. Well I was wrong. So now Trey is going to have a lot of things to do down stairs to make up for that room getting done first. :) We took some pics but it looks so much better in person than on the pics.


leslieandmatt said...


Anonymous said...

now seriously wanissa, you should have known Trey wouldn't get anything else done until HIS playroom was done!!! I know that is how Matt would be! --amy s

Elisha said...

Looks great!

Jenn said...

Wow, that looks great!!!

I'm so behind on blogging but now that summer is here, hopefully I will get caught up!

Cooper is getting so big!! I couldn't believe what a big boy he has gotten to be when I clicked on your blog tonight and saw his pictures. He's still just as cute as ever!

Miss you guys. Hope all is well!!!

Melissa said...

Very nice! Enjoy!