Friday, September 4, 2009

Mothers Day Out

Cooper did great at Mothers Day Out this past Tuesday. I dropped him off and he was a little resistant but once he saw a toy he was gone. no crying at all YEAH!!! He was worn out when I went to pick him up. here are some pics of him that day

Wednesday we went and met up with Coopers little friend Addison at pump it up and played. Cooper loved it. they had slides and he just went up and down up and down.

Then on Thursday we went to Canton with two of my friends from work and Cooper was so well behaved. I was really worried because he usually does not want to just sit in his stroller. But he did and was so good. Then we came home and got cleaned up and took Cooper to his first RoughRiders game. We only got to stay 3 innings because a bad storm blew in and so we left. It was ok because Cooper was getting so tired. He did like watching the game tho. Cooper and his daddy watch the Rangers game together all the time at home and it is like he only time that he will sit still for a bit. So here are pics of that. Have a great weekend.