Friday, August 17, 2012

Hilton Head June 2012

My little Pirates. We took the kids on a Pirate Cruise one Morning with Captian Tanner.
The kids first tattoos.
Cooper waiting to shoot the pirate that stole their treasure. A pirate came up on a little boat and all the kids got to shoot him with water guns until he surrendered, Funny thing happened and the bad pirates boat broke down. LOL. He got it going and the fun continued. After they got their treasure back all the kids got to go get somes pieces of gold and diamonds. to bad it was not real
Ryleigh did not care about shooting the pirate she had already found her gold "Cookies"
Since Ryleigh was about to have a birthday as soon as we got home, Janice bought her a cake and we had a little party for her with all the family that could come to Hilton Head. It was a great night of being together
My mom, the kids, and I took a trolley tour of Savannah. Janice and Emilie had already done this a couple of years back. It was a good tour, I enjoyed it. The kids were such great troopers to go through that. They acted so well. It did rain off and on on us the whole time we were in Savannah. Well let me rephrase that it rained alot the whole vacation.
Cooper thought all the little crabs on the beach were the coolest thing ever. All he wanted to do every time we were at the beach was see how many he could catch and put them in his bug box to take home. After telling him oh so many times that he could not bring them home he released them. But he still says months later that he wants to go back to Hilton Head to play with the crabbys
Dinner one night.
Since my kids love animals so much we took them to a Farm to let them pet and feed the animals
Ryleigh wanted to ride a pony and she did. She was not afraid at all. She loved it
Cooper on the other hand would not ride and ths is as close as he got to the horses or ponies

Brave Cooper

This summer Cooper jumped off the diving board at Alicia and Randy's house. He had been taking swimming lessons and he has got it down now. I make him wear a life jacket in the deep end, He loves being able to swim alone
He also loves his Uncle Randy. They play together and get in trouble together.

Spring TBall

Another Season gone. I can not believe Cooper has already played 3 seasons of baseball. This season was junior Tball. We changed some things up this past season, we decided to try and see if Cooper did better if Trey did not coach him. Cooper had a good season, either one because Trey was not coaching or two he is just older. Who knows. Cooper hit really well this season and ran the bases, but when he was in outfield he took it very serious when the coach said to stay in his spot and dont fight over the ball. Cooper did not move even if the ball was coming right to him. LOL. We asked Cooper if he wanted to try another sport like soccer or just do swimming but he said he only wanted to play baseball so come Fall we will be playing another season.
Here is a picture of maybe half of Cooper's Team, when everyone showed up it was a lot of kids.
This is a picture of Landon and Cooper. They have been playing together since the beginng when they were 3 so glad they have stuck together. They are both good little ball players
This is how Cooper slides into home. He slides every time he comes home. LOL. I think he does it just to get dirty.

Maui Luau

Of course we had to do a Luau while we were in Maui. We went to the Old Lahania Luau which is the same one Trey and I had done 7 years ago. It was still a good show. The only bad part about this night was that poor Jacob was sick. Pretty sure he had gotten heat exhaustion from the day. But he sucked it up and was still able to be with us at the Luau after a little nap in the car.
This is a picture in front of the famous Banyan Tree in Maui.
We all had a great time on this vacation. It could not have been better, well I take that back I prob could have stayed there for another week, esp if the kids were with me. Our resort the Honuai Kai was amazing, we spent all our down time at the pool or at the beach. We did go boggie boarding one day at a beach down by the Ritz (Fleming Beach), we had some mad skills that day LOL. We also did a little snorkling on a few beaches and saw some pretty neat fish. I cant wait to plan our next trip back to Maui

Maui Sunset sail

One night we went on a relaxing sunset cruise. I have been on quite a few of these and this was by far the roughest one. The winds were pretty strong that evening. Alicia was not doing to good on the boat at first and then the winds calmed a little and she was able to come up on top. What a great way to see the sunset.

Maui Beach Time

Just some pictures of us hanging on the Beaches of Maui

Maui Zip Line

The second day we were in Maui we did some Zip Lining. What a blast. I was a little worried about the landing at first but after I did the first one I was good. Trey on the other hand took a couple of times to get the landing down. Haha.