Sunday, July 20, 2008

4 months

We had Cooper's 4 month checkup and he got an A+. He weighed in at 15lbs 2 oz and is 25.75 inches long. He is in the 50th percentile for weight and still the 90th for height. He once again got 4 shots. He did really good again this time around thank goodness. He is rolling all over this place and reaching out and trying to grab everything. We are working on sitting up now. Cooper and I go to yoga on Tuesdays and he just loves it. It is good for me too. I get all stretched out and get to exercise a little bit. Then on Thursdays we started doing Playwisely which is a class to help Cooper cognitive skills along with his physical development. So on those days when we get home Cooper is sleeps so good. I dont know if yall watch the TV show Yes Dear, but my bother in law Randy said that I am like Kim on that show with my mommy and me classes and stuff. So then I said well then that makes yall Jimmy and Christine. Ha Ha. it was pretty funny if you have seen the show.

Lets see what else has gone on over the past couple of weeks besides work because that is just no fun to talk about.

Our house is still on the market and still no offers. It does not help when 5 other houses are for sale on your street. There for a while we were not having any showings but this past week it has picked up and we have had a lot. We are still praying that God will bring someone along that will love the house and make an offer. The other house is going to get some foundation this week so things are moving along over there.

Trey and I went to the Rangers game last weekend with my cousin Amos and his soon to be wife and we had a really good time. Then on that Sunday my sisters and my mom and I went to the Dallas bridal show. For those that do not know my sister Sara the youngest is engaged to Jacob and so we get to have another wedding in the family. She just got engaged so she had not made any decisions yet, it is still early. They are thinking next summer sometime. I am so happy for her. She is going to be such a pretty bride.

Well that is about all that has happened. This coming week is just a busy work week so I am going to be extra tired.

hope yall have a good week

here is the house looking from the backyard. isnt it pretty

He is sooooo SWEET


Emilie said...

OMG...he finally smiles for the camera!!! i cannot wait to see him :) LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!

Tanya said...

he is getting sooo big!!! I really need to meet your little guy!