Monday, March 1, 2010

This past weekend Cooper, my mom, and I headed out to west Texas to go see my sister Sara. She is finishing up her class time for PT school so they had a research project that they presented that family could come and watch. So we went to Abilene on Friday morning and met Sara and Jacob for lunch and then went to Sara's thing. Cooper did so good. He sat real quite through the first group and then it was Sara's groups turn. He did good as long as he was eating his jelly beans. ha ha. Well on the way down there we had been practicing saying Sara's name. At the end of Sara's talkon their power point they put up a picture of the group. Well Cooper saw that picture and starting saying Sara and pointing to her picture. He started getting louder and louder so we had to leave the room. It was so funny. That night we went and stayed the night at Sara and Jacobs house in Rotan. yes that's right Rotan. what you have never heard ofthat, well me either until they moved there. it is an hour away from Abilene. We had a good time with them and the next day spent the morning there and then headed home. It was a good trip but short.

This picture is of Sara showing us around the PT school. This is the cadaver lab. it was pretty neat.

This is my mom and sara

Cooper got an early birthday present from his uncle Nathan. His first bicycle. Cooper loved it.

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