Monday, October 18, 2010

4 months old

Ryeligh is now 4 months old. She had her 4 month checkup and checked out a healthy little girl. She weighs 14 lbs 10 oz which is the 75th% and she is 25.8 inches long being 97th%. I have a feeling she is going to be tall. Things she is doing at this time. Well her talking increases everyday, as said earlier she is taking her oatmeal now and is doing very well with it, she is rolling back and forth, we have almost got the sitting alone thing down, she is sleeping really well at night with usually 6 to 7 hours. She loves to watch Cooper, and lights up in the face when she sees him. It is the sweetest thing. Here are a couple of pics on the week she turned 4 months.

This is how she sleeps with her hands behind her head.

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