Thursday, March 17, 2011

9 Months and counting

Ryleigh turned 9 months on March 11. She is a moving. She is always pulling her self up. And now she is getting brave enough to let go and stand by herself for a few seconds. With all this bravery comes battle scares. She has had cuts and bruises all over her. As much as I try to prevent it, it still happens. She says ma ma, da da, bubu, and hi. She just started to clap her hands and she loves to dance. She still loves to play with Cooper's trucks and cars. This past month I notcied that she has learned from watching him how to push around the trucks. She wants to walk so bad. She loves to hold on to your finger and get going. She has taken a liking to the dogs. I dont think they are to happy about that. She lights up when they come around. She is having seperation anxiety. She used to be ok when we dropped her off at the nursery at church and lately she is not so happy about that. Also my good little sleeper has been waking up every night at around 1 or 2 just to make sure we are still around. I will have some 9 month pictures to post in a couple of days. We went to her doctors appt and she is now 16lbs 12oz which she has dropped to the 10th percent. I was pretty worried about that but my pedi said it was ok and then I came home and looked up what Cooper was at this age and he dropped to the 10th percent too at this time. Her height is 28.3 inches. 90th percent for that. Following her brothers foot steps. She checked out all healthy and only had to get one shot. Yeah. That is my little girl all wrapped up in a shell for now.

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