Sunday, November 6, 2011

trick or treat

We had a fun Halloween night. The kids got all dressed up and were ready to go get as much candy as they could. Cooper wanted to be buzz lightyear this year so he was. Well at first he wanted to be MR Smee from captain hook. I bet you are wondering were they came from. Well Ryleigh was tinker bell for halloween so I wanted Cooper to be Captain Hook and he told me know because he is mean and that he wanted to be Mr Smee because he is nice. So I was on the hunt for his costume and then decided I was just going to have to make it. Well then a couple of days later he told me that he really wanted to be Buzz so that is what we did. Ryleigh hated her costume from the minute I put it on her she was trying to pull it off. Distraction was the only way we kept her dressed. This year we went to Boo on Ballard which is at downtown Wylie and we did our churches trunk or treat. The kids got more candy than I thought or hoped they would get. Then we came home and went to a couple of houses before it got to cold for Ryleigh to be out and to late. It was fun.

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