Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ryleigh at 18mths

Since I am so far behind on blogging I need to catch up on what Ryleigh has been up to. We have put her in her toddler bed due to the fact that she was making it a habit to climb out of her crib. So one night when she was dangling by her foot we decided it was time. She has done pretty good at being in her bed. She does at some time in the night comes to our room. It is a bad habit but Trey and I are just to tired to break it. She is very independent. She does not want to be carried anymore. She wants to feed herself everything even if it makes a big mess like yogurt. Like Cooper at around this age she is into buckles, this entertains her for a good while. She also like Cooper always wants to push the garage button. She talks in sentences now. She is very active. Her down fall is that she is kind of a little drama queen. She will scream and pout with the best of them. I know there is more to tell but I will have to think some more and update this again.

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