Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Cooper's birthday party this year was a pirate theme. I decided this year that I was going to have it some where besides the house, so I asked Cooper where he would like it and the bounce house place won. From the time we decided to do it there he would not stop talking about his party. We had a great turn out of his friends and he had such a great time playing. He said it was the best birthday party.

Cooper has grown up and gotten so independent this past year. Even though several times were a struggle we survived. haha. The sad thing is as each year goes by he needs me to do less and less for him. My sweet baby boy thinks he is a big boy all the time. He does tell me tho that he will always be my baby boy. he will love reading that one day. :)

Before he work up for the day we had lots of balloons in the living room with a sprinkle donut waiting for him.

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