Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Number 5

Cooper celebrated his 5th birthday March 10 2013. When I asked him several months ago where he wanted to have his birthday party he said I just want to have it at home. I was kind of against that at first because it is so much more work, but he was determined to have it here. Then when asked what theme he wanted he of course said Super Hero party. That was a dumb question :) We rented a bounce house for the party and had some other fun things to do like shot the balloon villian with silly string and use the hulk fist to know down the wall. Cooper loved his party and did not want it to be over. I was so grateful that the rain held out long enough for the party to happen. Cooper and his papa before his party Hulk Smash Make a wish sweet boy Cooper got his well check up done and he is 39.2 lbs being the 39% and 44.3in being the 77%. He checked out good. Cooper amazes me everyday. He starts to talk about things that I did not know he even knew about. He is doing well in preschool and loves to go. He has a lot of little friends, quit a bit of them are girls. I was told by a mom that her daughter thinks Cooper is so funny. When I asked Cooper what he says or does to the girls that makes them laugh he said I whisper in their ear "I Tooted" Way to go son way to go. That will only work with the girls while you are young so get it out of your system. He continues to fight with Ryleigh but also cares for her very much. He still loves to be outside and loves to fix and build things. I look forward to what this next year brings for him. I pray that it is full of blessings.

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