Monday, September 24, 2012

Ryleigh 2 year Birthday

Ryleigh celebrated the big 2 on June 11 2012, and what fun we had doing it. On the actual day of her birthday we started VBS at our church so we did that in the morning and then had a little family party that night and she opened gifts from us. Then the following saturday we had her Minnie Mouse Luau Party. I rented the pool clubhouse in our neighborhood and we had a pool party for her. We had a great turn out of our dear friends. I think Ryleigh had a great time even though she feel asleep in the pool. Ryleigh has developed very well. Her language is great. She speaks in full sentences and is very vocal on what she does and does not want. She climbs on everything. She knows most of her animals except she gets confused on horses and cows. She can count to 10 and she can say her ABCs. There are several times that I forget how little she is because she is growing up so fast. She really wants to be able to do everything her bubby does. We have loved every bit of being able to raise this sweet little girl. Even though at times she has quit the attitude. Here are her stats from her 2 year appt. She is 24lbs 13oz putting her in the 25%. She has dropped on her weight growth but really nothing alarming since her height is 36.3 inches being in the 97%. She is tall and skinny. She had a great checkup.

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