Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dancing Star

Cooper still amazes me. We got up this morning and came into the family room and I put him down to play. Well for christmas his Papa got him this toy that has a mirror and looks like your on stage. When you push the buttons it sings some catchy songs. Cooper pushed the button and then stood up in front of it and started dancing. He just kept lifitng up one foot then the other and was shaking his hips. It was just the cutest thing ever. I will have to try and get a video of it.


Elisha said...

Awwww....sweet Cooper!!

Happy New Year!! Love y'all!!

This Sarah said...

so cute! hope you can get a video of it!

Jenn said...

Cooper's growing up so fast! If you get that video, you'll have to post sounds adorable!!