Monday, February 1, 2010

Great Friends

This past weekend I took a quick trip down to houston to go see Kristi and her new house. Ashley and I drove down together saturday and hung out with her and of course did some shopping and eat at cheesecake factory to celebrate her bday. I miss having her around all the time but at least when we do get to see each other it makes it that much more special.

Two weekends ago Trey and I worked our tails off to get Cooper's big boy room ready for him to sleep in. We first went shopping and got his furniture, which will not be in until Fed 10th or so. Then got some paint and got busy. His room is going to be done in airplanes so we painted the walls blue for the sky. I am attempting at the time to find someone to come and paint an airplane mural on the wall. We got it ready and Cooper slept in his big boy room for the first time last wednesday night. He did ok i guess. I had to lay in there with him until he feel alseep and then he slept good until 2am and then woke up crying, so to our bed he came. That has been about what he does everynight so far. We have been trying not to bring him to our bed and just lay down with him so that he gets used to his room. It is going better than I thought. Hopefully we will get this down before the baby comes.

here he is sleeping in his room.

I will finish this post with a funny story about Cooper. Friday night we were just hanging out at the house and Trey and I were sitting on the couch and I asked Trey to rub my feet so being the sweet husband he is he did. Then all of the sudden Cooper comes running over to sit up on the couch with us. Well once he noticed what daddy was doing he wanted his feet rubbed too. So he took one of Trey's hands and put it on his foot so that he could rub both of our feet at the same time. Every time Trey tried to stop rubbing Cooper's feet he would yell and grab his hand back and put it on his foot. So funny.

1 comment:

Emilie said...

such as sweetheart :) he melts my heart in that big boy bed. tell cooper aunt emmie loves him!!! can't wait to see y'all.