Friday, August 15, 2008

Coopers not feeling good

We officially have our first sickness. On Monday when Cooper woke up from his nap his voice was hoarse. I did not think much of it at first but then it never went away. Then the next night he added a cough into the mix and some horrible nights sleep for me and him. So yesterday I decided to take him into the doctor and so come to find our he has Croup. So we have started some medicine and today he already sounds a little better. It breaks my hear for him to feel bad. You know he does not feel good when yesterday we could not get him to flash that million dollar smile at us.

As for the house stuff. We had our inspection yesterday and we still have not seen the report which is very irritating. We were told a couple of things that they found, nothing major just annoying things that we have to fix. Can I just tell you that I am sooooooo ready for all this to be over. I am sooooo tired of having to leave my house all the time with Cooper and the dogs. I am sooooo tired of not being able to stay home and sleep after working all night long. And I am tired of realtor and the paperwork that goes with it all. Ok I am done complaining. Hope everyone is having a good week.


Anonymous said...

Oh no!! Poor baby. I hate to hear that he's sick.

Tanya said...

Feel better Cooper! Hope the meds keep working :-)

Melissa said...

I hope Cooper feels better and that things go quickly with the house. My friends need their sleep, give me that realtor's, jk. Hang in there!!

Jenn said...

Poor Cooper...I hope he gets better real soon. I hadn't even thought about the sleeping situation with your work poor thing! I'll be praying for a quick finish to all the realtor hoopla!