Monday, March 10, 2008

Cooper's Birthday - Day 1

Well day 1 was interesting. We didn't sleep much last night and we had to get up early to make it to Wanissa's 7:30am check in time. After about 10 minutes of driving we realized that the car was running on an empty tank of gas. After stopping for gas we realized we had about 15 minutes to make it in time but we were at least 25 minutes out with traffic. I used my lead foot to get us to the hospital in record time.
Now to the exciting part.... Wanissa was sent to a triage room where they began to prepare her for surgery. I began to get nervous and started feeling a little nauseous. I told Wanissa I needed to take a few items back to the car since we only had a temporary room. Well I made it to the car but on the way back I had to make a pit stop and get rid of my breakfast :). It's still about 8:10am and I figured I had plenty of time before the delivery. I returned the triage room just short of 8:30am and learned that everyone was waiting on me because they moved up the delivery time. (I almost missed the delivery!). Anyways we made our way back to the OR and I made it through it without passing out... oh ya Wanissa and the baby did well too :)

Here's a few pictures of Cooper Vaughn who entered this world at 8:51am and weighed in at 7 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 19 inches long.


Tanya said...

OMG Cooper is so cute!!! And he's so big!!! How exciting for you all. I'm glad everything went well! Give him a kiss from me!

Emilie said...

I MUST GET HIM A UT HAT TO WEAR!!!! cute pic of you and trey in the OR...see you tonight :) take care of my beautiful nephew!!!

love you both!!!!

Jenn said...

Hey Guys,

Congratulations on your brand new bundle of joy. Cooper is absolutely beautiful!

Paul and I will come and visit within the next few days.

Please let us know if you need anything.

Take care,
Jennifer Raack

Steph, Robert, Zach & Ashton said...

Congratulations! What a cutie! If y'all need anything, let us know since we're right down the street.


aw said...

congratulations!!!!!!! I am so happy for you! I can't wait to meet him!


Melissa said...

Cooper, welcome to the world! You are so handsome!! You have great parents. Can't wait to meet you!

Anonymous said...

He's adorable!! Trey, you crack me up. Thank goodness you were able to make the delivery. :)

Rondo said...

What a cute kid. Congrats y'all!