Sunday, March 9, 2008

One more Day

Tomorrow is the big day. I cannot believe it is already here. I want to thank everyone for keeping us in your prayers and for checking on us. Thanks to everyone that came to see me and kept me from going insane while on house arrest. Please keep us in your prayers tomorrow that everything goes well, that Trey does not pass out, and that Cooper is healthy.
Love yall


Anonymous said...

congratulations on the big day!!! Call me when Cooper is born so I get all his important info. You'll have to send pictures too!

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and praying that everything goes well!!!

Love ya! Tanya

Anonymous said...

Yay! It's 9:09 a.m. as I type so it's almost time. I am so excited for y'all and can't wait to meet Cooper. I'm praying for you and know that you will do great.

